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1 x 96 well primer plate
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Pathway profiling
The expression RT PCR profiler array is supplied in 96 and 384 well primer plates. They are used to profile cDNA from human tissues, cells or body fluids. We can perform signaling pathways analysis with only 10-100 cells with the 2018 Direct lysis to SignArray reagent. For rare or precious sampleswe use the SpeAmpn reagents to analyze until 4 signaling pathways with only 5-50ng starting amount of RNA. The adapted hot start SYBR Green qPCR kit apropriate to your Real Time PCR cycler is supplied at 82$ or Euro. Please supply us with your qPCR cyler model when ordering.
AB cycler RT PCR blocks
The Applied Biosystems Step One Plus Real-Time System 96 well is used with the qPCR XXXH1-FXS with Perfect Master Mix SYBR Green PMSX-RXS, 82 USD and ABI 7900 HT (standard block) XXXH1-AXS, XXXH2-AXS, PMSX-RXS and ViiA7 system (standard block), XXXH1-AXS, XXXH2-AXS, PMSX-LRXS and QuantStudio 6, 7, 12K Flex System (standard block)
Pathway profiling outsourcing
We have a large collection of cell lines and can perfome the Thyroiditis expression profiling for you. You can send us your tissues or we have a library of tissues and can perform the RNA extraction, make the cDNA and perform the RT-PCR and qPCR for you.
Rats are used to make rat monoclonal anti mouse antibodies. There are less rat- than mouse clones however. Rats genes from rodents of the genus Rattus norvegicus are often studied in vivo as a model of human genes in Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats.
Biorad qPCR cyclers
The RT PCR CFX 96 cycler, CFX 384, CFX Connect, Opticon, Chomo, iQ and MyiQ Cycler are compatible withour Perfect Master Mix SYBR Green. Contact us for the reference.
QPCR Master Mix
We suppy PMS reagent or Perfect Master Mix SYBRG for SignArrays 96 at 10 μl of PMS per reaction for 20 μl final volume. The reference is: PMS1-Z2S, 82 euro
Excel template
We will supply you with a microsoft excel template to analyse the qPCR results and see the activation, or supression of genes of interestof your profiler.
Roche LightCycler compatibility
The LightCycler 480, for 96 well qPCR: XXXH1-RXS for 384 well: XXXH2-RXS. With perfect Master Mix Sybr Green: PMSX-WXS, 82 Euro
Sequence disclosure
We do not standard disclose the sequence of our carefully selected and oprimized RT PCR primers.
Gentaur ensures worldwide distribution of Rat Thyroiditis qPCR array except for spain
Custom 96 or 384 well qPCR primers
1 euro or USD per rat gene added to the qPCR Thyroiditis profiling plate.
Single gene qPCR
Perfect Master Mix PROBE, PMP1-Z50 for 50 reactions, price: 75 eur/USD
More than 1 can be supplied by AnyGenes.
All Rat Thyroiditis genes
Sign Arrays
Autoimmune Disease
Latin name
Rattus norvegicus