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1 kit/96-wells plate





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The receptors are ligand binding factors of type 1, 2 or 3 and protein-molecules that receive chemical-signals from outside a cell. When such chemical-signals couple or bind to a receptor, they cause some form of cellular/tissue-response, e.g. a change in the electrical-activity of a cell. In this sense, am olfactory receptor is a protein-molecule that recognizes and responds to endogenous-chemical signals, chemokinesor cytokines e.g. an acetylcholine-receptor recognizes and responds to its endogenous-ligand, acetylcholine. However, sometimes in pharmacology, the term is also used to include other proteins that are drug-targets, such as enzymes, transporters and ion-channels. Chemical substance p peptides are measured by ELISA kits or antibodies.

Storage conditions

Gentaur/Genprice team of specialist recommend you to follow strickly the protocol for storage of the EIA kit for Human Substance P Receptor,Sp-R .Prepare small work solutions from the standard reagents to avoid processes of freezing and thawing.


The product EIA kit for Human Substance P Receptor,Sp-R is manufactured for research purposes only and it is not intented to be used for in vitro diagnostic procedures.


E05 478 566 350 170 or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays,E05 478 566 350 170 or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays


ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays Code 90320007 SNOMED


Substance P Receptor,Sp-R

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